Visit with a LOCAL counselor from your living room using your phone or other device. It’s that easy!
Grand Valley Counseling is a small group practice that serves Western Colorado. We provide individual counseling currently, and group counseling is on the agenda soon. We serve all Coloradans, and especially the 22 western counties covered by Rocky Mountain Medicaid using video therapy.
Consider video therapy if you prefer the privacy of your own home, or maybe live too far to travel to a counselor, or maybe you simply hate driving.
Is there no counselor near you? You can see one by video!
How is video therapy different from face-to-face therapy?
Video therapy gives you flexibility. Instead of having to drive to an appointment, you only need to pull out your phone or other device. You can MOVE! You are not stuck in a counselor’s office. You can start from your kitchen table, move to your couch, or even go outside! Anywhere you have an internet connection, you can visit with your counselor.
Is video therapy different than face-to-face therapy? Yes, but different doesn’t have to mean bad. It’s just something new to get used to. Most of our clients have preferred video therapy due to the convenience it provides. Maybe you will love it too!