Gratitude Journal

Gratitude Have you tried to keep a gratitude journal? A gratitude journal is just like it sounds – a journal you keep of things you are grateful for. I would like to challenge you to try this for a week. I think you will find that by doing this for a week you will notice […]

Box Breathing

I have a tool I’d like to teach you. It’s called Box Breathing. No, I didn’t invent this tool. I don’t know who did. It’s a simple breathing technique that is very useful for those with anxiety and depression. It can help you to relax and lower your all around stress level. I can’t guarantee […]

Basic Strategies

My list of Basic Strategies is a starting point for therapy. How does this list compare to your own life? 1. Sleeping.  Please try to consistently get 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night.  If you are not getting enough sleep, then your mind is not really getting the rest it needs. If you […]